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Bodybuilding Legends Show

Mar 29, 2021

Charlotte Parker, Arnold Schwarzenegger's personal Public Relations Manager, is the guest this week on the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast. Charlotte talks about working with Arnold during the peak years of his career in Hollywood, starting with the film "Conan the Destroyer" (1984). Charlotte also talks about working with Joe and Betty Weider as well as Joe Gold in the public relations field. At the end of the podcast, host John Hansen reads an excerpt from the revised edition of the book Pumping Iron about the year 1980.

Time Stamps:

04:18 - RIP Andy Haman

06:30 - Emails from last week's Podcast

13:40 - Interview with Charlotte Parker

15:30 - Meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger for the first time

20:45 - Charlotte's promotion of "The Terminator" (1984)

24:50 - "I'm going to make Arnold the biggest star in the world"

28:32 - Arnold had the "X Factor"

32:02 - How Charlotte changed Arnold's image

37:40 - Working with Joe Weider and the Bodybuilding Media to promote Arnold's movie career

39:48 - When Arnold was the spokesperson for the President's Council of Physical Fitness

41:10 - Helping Joe Gold to promote World Gym

44:25 - When Arnold created "Joe Weider Day" in California

46:46 - Joe Weider's genuine passion for Bodybuilding

50:43 - Arnold's controversial interview with Playboy Magazine in 1988

1:08:24 - John reads an excerpt from the revised edition of the book Pumping Iron about the year 1980.

John's interview with the Scot Strong Podcast

John and Peter McGough's interview with Muscular Development

John Hansen Fitness website

Bodybuilding Legends Show website

Florida Alternative Medicine

John's YouTube Page

John's Facebook Page

John's Instagram Page